Electronic Asset Security has partnered with the City of Waukee to sponsor an Electronics Recycling Day to benefit Waukee Residents. Come to the former Public Works Building site (SE Corner of University and 6th in Waukee) between 8 am and 12 pm Saturday, May 4th, to drop off any unwanted electronics. Most items are accepted free of charge, with just a few exceptions.
-CRT monitor or TV less than 19” diagonally – $10.00
-CRT monitor or TV 20” to 27” diagonally – $15.00
-CRT monitor or TV greater than 27” diagonally – $25.00
-LCD Television (any size) – $15.00
-All data on any equipment we accept is securely destroyed free of charge; however, if you would like a Certificate of Destruction, there is a $10 fee per device.
Please see our Events Page for more details on what we accept.
Please see the City’s Spring Cleanup website for details on items that may be accepted by the city or other organizations. https://www.waukee.org/765/Spring-Clean-Up-Week